Queer Interfaith Spiritual Gathering, Sept 22, 2023

Students will gather for an interfaith service on Friday, Sept. 22nd at 2:30 pm led by queer students from various faith and spiritual traditions, including a non-religious/humanist perspective. The event will include the lighting of a candle and meditation, words of contemplation and intention, the voluntary sharing of peoples’ own intentions, challenges, and thanksgiving, the reading of meaningful pieces of writing or scripture by three interfaith speakers followed by their own short talks on how their queerness intersects with their spiritual, philosophical, or faith background. There will also be discussion afterwards from the whole group of attendees. The audience for the event is open to anyone who is interested, including people who do not identify as spiritual/religious.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/queer-interfaith-humanist-and-non-aligned-contemplative-gathering-tickets-704898950737?aff=oddtdtcreator

**Location will be provided after registration**

This event is sponsored by The Ecumenical Chaplaincy at the University of Toronto (ECUT), Qu(e)erying Religion (QR), and the Student Christian Movement (SCM).

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