Chaplains’ Picks, Nov 26, 2020

May the blessings of sacred waiting and holy expectation be with you as we enter Advent.
Tuesdays – Another World Cafe: Student Christian Movement online gatherings
6:30 pm
“Another world is possible!”, goes a common protest chant. Another World Cafe is our weekly space for renovating our worldviews and stirring up our imaginations. Programming will rotate between our traditional Radical Bible Study, conversations about deep ecology and eco-grief, and hands-on zine-making sessions. Please bring your favourite hot drink, and a notebook or sketchbook.
Friday, November 27 – Engaging in Research as Black, Latin American & Southeast Asian Undergraduate Students
3 – 5 p.m.
Please register for Engaging in Research as Black, Latin American & Southeast Asian Undergraduate Students and we’ll email you the day before with details on how to join via Microsoft Teams. This event is for Black, Latin American and Southeast Asian Students to discuss research with supportive Mentor Navigators, staff and professors from a variety of disciplines. By the end of this event participating students will be able to: discuss challenges to getting involved in research; and detail co-curricular and academic resources to help them discover research opportunities.
Tuesday, Dec 8 – Ecology and Spirituality – A Conversation
7 – 8:30 pm

How does ecological awareness inform our spirituality? How can spiritual practices help ground us as we engage in environmental work? How do these intersections inform how we live, work, study and organize – and can these differ based on our personal faith – or unfaith? The panel of student leaders and campus organizers includes: Fatima Mohammed, ecology and spirituality intern with the Multi-Faith Centre; Esther Townshend, coordinator of the Student Christian Movement in the GTA; and Tristan Laing, Director of Education and Community with Regenesis, an environmental organization. Register on Eventbrite:
Tuesday, Dec 15 – Grief Support Sharing Circle
3:10 – 5 pm, online

Everyone grieves in their own unique way. When someone you love dies, you may feel angry, isolated, sad, guilty and lonely. The Grief Support Sharing Circle is an informal mutual support group for students who have experienced a death, as well as students experiencing anticipatory grief. Register online:
Campus Worship Opportunities:
Knox College has weekly worship on Tuesday afternoons, 4:15 pm, via Zoom. They are uploaded to YouTube where you can watch at any time:

Emmanuel College has weekly worship on Wednesday afternoons, 1:30 pm, via Zoom. You can watch on Facebook:

Mindful Moments and Yoga
There are many online opportunities to practice mindfulness and yoga for U of T students.

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