The Ecumenical Chaplaincy at U of T mourns with all Muslims affected by the violent display of hatred in a place of worship in New Zealand on Friday, March 15. May those who mourn be comforted. May those who speak out against Islamophobia and hatred do so with strength. May we live, work, act and pray for peace.
Support UofT’s Muslim students Friday: Hart House Debates Room, 1:00 and 2:00 / Multi-Faith Centre Main Activity Hall, 1:00
Form a Ring of Peace around Muslim prayers this Friday, March 22 to show support and protection for Muslim students at prayer. First done in 2015 by the Muslim community of Oslo to protect a synagogue, and since then unfortunately repeated after the Quebec mosque shooting and again after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, Rings of Peace are a way to show those communities that have been targeted that they are not alone. Come with supportive signs or cards, stay for all or part of prayers. Rings of Peace will be happening across the GTA.