Tues, Feb 6: Forward in Faith: Toward Gender Equity in Religious Communities
7-8:30 pm, Multi-Faith Centre
Want to learn about gender egalitarian efforts within different faith communities? For many of us, we turn to our religious traditions for guidance in morality and paths toward justice. So what does that look like in 2018 with regard to gender? Join us to hear about how different faiths are forwarding the interests of their members of all genders. With Rabbi Julia Appel (Senior Jewish Educator and Campus Rabbi, UofT Hillel), Rev. Andrea Budgy (Humphrys Chaplain to the University of Trinity College), and El-Farouk Khaki (founder of Salaam: Queer Muslim Community & Imam of Toronto Unity Mosque) https://www.facebook.com/events/548965198793905/
Wed, Feb 7 – Qu(e)erying Religion Bi-Weekly Drop-In
2 – 4 pm, Multi-Faith Centre
An intimate and open space for joyful, supported, life-giving queer spiritualities. Each session incorporates mindful crafting activities and facilitated group discussion around a given monthly theme. https://www.facebook.com/events/320085538398840/
UTSC: Thurs, Feb 8 – Intergeneracial
A Black History Month production at U of T Scarborough! Intergeneracial is an oral history project that dozens of youth have been working on for three years. Founded by Fiona Raye Clarke in 2015, Intergeneracial brings Black youth and Black elders together providing a forum to share stories around being Black in Canada from across the generations and create theatre about it. From Their Lips is a verbatim play based on a series of oral history interviews conducted between Black youth and elders throughout 2015 and 2016 asking the same 10 questions.
Sun, Feb 18 – Ecology and Spirituality: a Winter Retreat
9 am – 6 pm at Hart House Farm Bus departs from Multi-Faith Centre at 9 am
Enjoy a day exploring the beautiful winter wonderland at Hart House Farm while discovering different faith-based traditions around nature. Come to be uplifted and nourished by walking meditation, spiritual teachings, and a delicious vegetarian lunch. Tickets: $5.00 can be purchased at the Multi-Faith Centre or online https://www.eventbrite.com/e/multi-faith-eco-spirituality-retreat-tickets-42277101950