5:10 pm – 7:30 pm, Rm 114, Faculty of Social Work
Everyone grieves in his or her own unique way. When someone you love dies, you may feel angry, isolated, sad, guilty or lonely. The grief support sharing circle is an informal, drop-in mutual support group for students who have experienced a death, as well as students experiencing anticipatory grief. Refreshments will be served. RSVP: to both laurie.coleman@utoronto.ca & student.minister@utoronto.ca
Tues, Jan 23 – Hart House Hancock Lecture: “Black and Educated?”
7-9 pm, Great Hall Hart House is pleased to present the 17th Annual Hancock Lecture: Black and Educated? Unveiling The Contradictions and Redesigning The Future delivered by Chizoba Imoka and moderated by Dr. Kofi Hope. In an education system based on Western values and knowledge, Black students go through school feeling alienated and graduate ill-equipped to bring about transformative changes in their communities. Is it not time to restructure the system? Chizoba Imoka disrupts the perceived Black and “Educated” contradiction and advances an alternative vision of education that acknowledges colonial history, is responsive to socio-political concerns and enables a new generation of social justice leaders to make real change. Following her presentation, Chizoba will be joined by a Rhodes Scholar, Doctor of Philosophy in Politics, community activist and youth advocate, Kofi Hope for an onstage discussion. Free for students. Tickets and info here: http://harthouse.ca/events/hancock2018/
Facilitated by Ariel Ennis, Assistant Director at Global Spiritual Life Centre at New York University, Adjunct Lecturer at the Silver School of Social Work also at New York University, and creator and host of the Multifaithful Podcast. Dinner included. Please register at: multi.faith@utoronto.ca with your student number and why you would like to participate in this workshop. Please specify any dietary needs and we will endeavour to accommodate. https://www.facebook.com/events/327774127709610/
Wed, Feb 7 – Qu(e)erying Religion Bi-Weekly Drop-In
4 pm, Multi-Faith Centre
An intimate and open space for joyful, supported, life-giving queer spiritualities. Each session incorporates mindful crafting activities and facilitated group discussion around a given monthly theme. https://www.facebook.com/events/320085538398840/