It is with a sad heart that we share the news of the death of Rev. Karen Bach. Karen was the founding chaplain of the Ecumenical Chaplaincy at U of T (1990-2002). In her role as chaplain, Karen did everything from hosting spaghetti suppers to facilitating lunchtime weekly meditation groups to advocating for sexual assault support groups and providing pastoral care and counselling for students. She was well loved and respected on campus. Students who knew her described her as an incredible support, present in times of crisis and unafraid to rock the boat when needed. She was an inspiration and a model for how to do ministry.
In one of her chaplaincy reports, she wrote: “The human need for care, compassion and support seems to just keep on growing. As always, to have the opportunity to be agent of such support and sometimes transformation in people’s lives is not only an honour, but also a sacred trust. God calls each of us to be God’s hands, arms, eyes and feet according to our own particular gifts wherever God leads us.”
Our prayers go to Karen’s family and friends as they mourn this huge loss. She will be missed.