TUESDAYS at 6:00 – Queer Christian Fellowship
Multi-Faith Centre, Meditation room
Love, support, conversation. Queer Christian Fellowship is a community
for students who want to explore the intersections of faith, gender, and
sexuality. Questions? Emailutqcf.meetup@gmail.com
ECO-SPIRIT ART SHOW – Submissions wanted! What does the connection between land and spirituality, environment and religion, nature and meaning look like to you? The Multi-Faith Centre is inviting students to submit art pieces exploring the connections between ecology and spirituality to its art show, ECO-SPIRIT. Selected pieces will be showcased in March as part of ECOfest. Please submit your brief, 250-word proposal via CLNx HERE: https://clnx.utoronto.ca/ecospirit.htm DEADLINE extended to February 14 at 11:59 pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/1773214089478255/
Monday, Feb 10 – Misguided Love: Christians and the Rupture of LGBTQI2+ People
7pm, Knox College (Room 4)
A book launch celebrating Professor Charles’ Fensham’s book, Misguided
Love. Rev. Dr. Charles Fensham is Professor of Systematic Theology at
Knox College. He states: “When I
started this research project about five years ago, it was because I was
very deeply concerned about the way sexual and gender minority people
are experiencing harm in Christian communities. The book is my attempt
to figure out the puzzle of how a faith that professes love can take a
path that harms others.” Dr. Fensham has created a series of introductory videos at bit.ly/IntroMisguidedLove. RSVP by February 5 to knox.college@utoronto.ca. Can’t attend in person? Watch the event via livestream at bit.ly/2020fenshamlaunch.
Monday, Feb 10 – Waste Not: A Jewish Environmental Ethic 7-9 pm, Rm 100, Jackman Humanities Institute Celebrate the book launch of Waste Not: A Jewish Environmental Ethic by Tanhum Yoreh. The book supports conversations about faith, consumption and waste, and provides a foundation for understanding the Jewish prohibition against wastefulness as an environmental ethic. Register: https://tinyurl.com/waste-not
Tuesday, Feb 11 – The (in)Visible Black Woman 6:00 PM – 8:30 pm, Hart House, East Common Room It is a peculiar sensation to be visible and invisible at the same time. As a Black woman, particularly within higher education, the idea of being both visible and invisible is a major reality. Dr. LaToya Brackett is no exception to this experience. What does it mean to be hired to be diversity, but not to be hired to speak up against the oppressions of a space? What does it mean to be invited as a co-signer but never to be a leader? Dr. Brackett will share personal narratives of navigating such situations while discussing the complexities of how whiteness can be present even in black spaces. Dr. Brackett currently works as a Visiting Assistant Professor of African American Studies at the University of Puget Sound. Alongside her teaching role she is a member of the leadership team of the Race & Pedagogy Institute, housed at the same university. Dr. Brackett’s visit is delivered in partnership between Hart House and The Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. Dr. Janelle Joseph, a professor with the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, will engage in and moderate discussion. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-invisible-black-woman-tickets-85509419977?ref=estw
Wednesday, Feb 12 – Mental Health and Spirituality 6 – 8 pm, Multi-Faith Centre, Rm 208 Participate in a discussion on mental health and spirituality moderated by Amy Panton, PhD candidate, U of T with Danial Akif, Vice-President Internal, Muslim Student Association, Dr. Mary Marrocco, Canadian Council of Churches and Jack Kugelmass, Chair, Friendship Places Toronto. Please register at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/healing-from-within-spirituality-and-mental-health-tickets-90558608235?fbclid=IwAR07PUQuFoqMu_0G5rKLUnKFOgnAfW0IGh0LS7sLNmJqY-f9JIz55C2dkbU
Thursday, Feb 13 – Intersections of My Identities: Navigating U of T as a Black/Indigenous/Person of Colour (BIPOC) Student with Disability 2:00pm-3:30pm, Baldwin Room, Centre for International Experience As a student with disability(ies) navigating U of T can sometimes be complex, layered, and overwhelming. This is a shared experience for many racialized and black, indigenous, and/or persons of colour (BIPOC) students on campus. What are the experiences for students with multiple identities? What in your experience is amplified, hidden, ignored, or overlooked? In this Accessibility Dialogue, connect with other students who may have similar lived experiences, as well as staff members from Indigenous Student Services, Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office, and Accessibility Services. Through facilitated discussion the goal of this dialogue is to allow space for racialized and black, indigenous, and/or persons of colour students with disabilities to explore, grapple with, and reflect how the intersectionality & complexity of our identities shape the way we navigate the university.
Tuesday, Feb 25 – Grief Support Sharing Circle 5:10 – 7:30, Room 418, Faculty of Social Work Everyone grieves in their own way. This grief sharing circle is open to U of T students who have experienced a death or are anticipating a death. Please RSVP to laurie.coleman@utoronto.ca and student.minister@utoronto.ca